Make More Sales Easier Today

Sales cures everything. 80% of all problems in business, work or life can be fixed when you have sales. The world today will come to a complete stop when all selling activities are stopped, so start selling and see your world change.

Industries that our clients are working in:

Students taught
1 k
increased sales results
1 x
sales generated
>$ 1 m


Solutions you can get from us


Sales Training

Ultimate Closer Masterclass is a comprehensive, well-structured & practical training program where you’ll learn the A-Z of closing the sale successfully whether it is online or face-to-face in person sales.

UCM290521 Aaron & Nurayuni

Private Coaching

This is a program where you’ll be able to get more of Aaron’s time to coach you on your ongoing sales challenges and getting direct feedback on your strategies & tactics.

Sales Strategies Consulting

Sales Strategies Consulting is where you’ll be able to get Aaron’s consultation on proven sales strategies for your business & organization to grow your sales & revenue.


Ultimate Closer Masterclass

This masterclass guides and works with entrepreneurs, sales people and those who hate or are afraid of selling close 2-3x more sales in an easier way.


Persuasive Conversation Masterclass

Discover the Unspoken Rules and Secret Language of Persuasion




Social Media Free Leads

Get Leads effectively on Social Media without Ads!




From Ultimate Closer Community

Our Vision

Making sales easy, fun and enjoyable for every salespeople and entrepreneurs to increase their sales results, income and revenue so that every trainee walks out with clarity, confidence and change in life, forever.

Our Mission

To Provide a simple, practical and effective sales training program that delivers immediate impact for individuals to get a breakthrough in their sales result and improve their quality of lives.

To impact 500 million lives over the next 10 years through self education.


We Have Been Donating Trainings To The Less Fortunate & Indirectly Change Our Students Lives From Zero To Hero

We believe the world will be a better place when people acquire a meaningful skill with practical real life application to earn a great living for themselves by helping others solve a problem with their solutions. Let’s fight for our brightest future together!

Corporate Training

Sales Strategy Consultation

Sales Strategies Consulting is where you’ll be able to get Aaron’s consultation on out-of-the-box sales strategies for your business & organization to grow your sales & revenue.


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